Saturday 12th
Arrived for our weeks holiday to North Norfolk stopping at
our usual campsite Kelling Heath. Started
with our usual walk around the heath, Dartford Warbler, Yellow Hammers,
Linnets, Crossbill and Woodlarks evident, even a Nightjar started churring at
half past 6. This ran all through the night.
A female Black tailed skimmer on the heath was strange away from the water.
Sunday 13th
Covered the heath again same as yesterday really but with a
Green Hairstreak noted. Headed for Kelling quags where a Marsh Warbler had been
found a couple days before. It was still there and singing its heart out, never
in view though except in flight only, so I was lucky to get one shot off on the
deck. From the beach a few Sandwich Terns past but more Little Terns. Footballs started so watched that in the
Monday 14th
Spent a bit of time at West Runton on the beach, Fulmar was
the only noteworthy bird there. It was really hot so we headed for Holt Woods
just to get a bit of shade. Firecrest was nice as were a few Dragons. Broad Bodied Chaser
Kelling heath again but nothing out the ordinary except 3 Crossbill over and a
Redkite.. More Football
Each night the Nightjars have put on a great show, sometimes
a few feet over or tent. 2 Woodcock have been roding nearby too.
Tuesday 15th
Nipped out to Titchwell for the day, really busy with non
birders everywhere so was always fighting through what seemed to be old persons
day out. The sun just seems to flood the coast with people, its not very nice.
Anyway bird wise I picked out 5 Limosa Black tailed Godwits with a color ringed
individual along side the plentiful Icelandic birds. A Moulting Drake Garganey,
Med Gulls, several Little Ringed Plovers and a Summer Plumaged Spotted Redshank
were the only other highlights. Not really surprising considering time of year.
A drive up and down the coast meant Spoonbill and a few Red kites at Holkham was
the only other bird of note. The Nightjar
continue to show well in the early evening light. The heat made taking pics impossible.
Wednesday 16th
Started early on the heath looking for Adders, the heaths
getting a bit long now so I didn’t find any. 5 Bee Eaters calling over head was
a massive bonus and really made my day. Silver studded Blue Butterfly was now
on the wing but wouldn’t hang about long enough for pictures. Female Black
tailed skimmer was noteworthy. Headed
to Natural surroundings, which was incredible for Banded Demosel, there were
latterly 100s. Butterflies were lacking with just small White and Brimstone.
Plants were plentiful but the most interesting were the Common Spotted and
southern Marsh Orchid. Birdy stuff just a Red Kite, Marsh Tit, Tree Creeper and
a Kingfisher. Finally inside the hide a superb Ruby tailed Wasp. Really warm
again so back to the tent to cool off in the shade. Been an awfully hot week so far, very
uncomfortable at times.

As I update my blog today sat outside the tent I have 2 Med
Gulls circling and mewing away. Willow Warblers are plentiful and Kelling is a
superb area for an ever declining species. Garden Warbler, Whitethroats,
Goldcrest, Chiffchaff, Chaffinch and Woodlark all within earshot.
Thursday 17th
The day was much cooler, which gave us an opportunity to
visit Sheringham and Cromer, just for some sightseeing. The good thing out of
this was the Cromer peregrine.
Had a little time at Cley in the afternoon when viewing from
the VC. 2 Great White Egrets flew in, as did a Spoonbill. 2 Little Ringed
Plover were on the flash.
Friday 18th
It absolutely poured it down all day so had the morning in
Wroxhams Miniature village, something different and a nice place to visit. The afternoon we stayed around the campsite
walking the drier parts under the woods. Firecrest from the tent was great as
were 4 more Crossbill. Marsh Tit in the
Saturday 19th
Walked to Sheringham park and back, Firecrest and 2
Spoonbill were the highlights. The Rhododendrons were starting to go over now
but many still looked great. Late afternoon and walk along east bank Cley, 2 1st
Summer Little Gulls and 2 Spoonbills the highlights.
Sunday 20th
Quick walk over the heath, Woodlarks and Dartford to finish
the holiday. Another great holiday in
North Norfolk and Kelling heath. 36 miles walked most of it from Kelling heath
For June 111 Species is incredible really.