Staring with the Little Owl i managed to spot at the end of the road as i traveled to work, showed great but i did only have my phone to take any pictures. I have since found a 2nd bird that shows well on a daily basis but i must learn to be ready to take a pic, it fly's as soon as it see me.
On Hollesley Common Nightjar were brilliant at night, on patch and unbelievably exciting, but not as exciting as hearing them from the Garden, yes that's right i can hear Nightjar from the Garden.
Common Redstart showed nicely on the common too.
Avocets have formed a daily part of my watches at Hollesley but unfortunately the Crows, Kestrels and Gulls have had them all, including the Redshank young and Lapwings chicks. Just 1 Oystercatcher left. Boyton has fared much better and an evening down there gave me the opportunity for some atmospheric digiscoped shots.
A Badger was wandering the scrape earlier in the evening. Turtle dove still about another great species for the site.
Dragonfly's took center stage for a while when i found Large Red Eyed Damselfly, i though these were rare but i've now had them on both my new and old patch's.
Common Blue Damselfly, Four spot chasers, Hairy Dragonfly and Broad bodied chasers too. in that order on the pics.
Back on Hollesley scrape the Common Terns returned to breed and failed. Spoonbill have been daily with up to 7 Birds. Cuckoo up to 3 again daily.
Redshank posing
Digi-scoping the dogs took over some days as it was really quiet.
Hares have been pretty hard to capture until lately, seems more content with chasing each other around.
A great find in the garden was this Hydrophilus piceus Great Silver Water Beetle first in my 10km square for many many years.
Then in the moth trap this Dytiscus marginalis Great Diving Beetle, which is actually smaller
Its been the month for a good variety of Hawkmoths and a Cream Spot tiger.
Spider Pisaura mirabilis
Another Spider Salticus scenicus
Panorpa communis Scorpion Fly
Think that is about the highlights for this month. Need to find the real goodies, theirs plenty showing up i just cant find em here yet...
Always interesting to see what you have been up to. Lovely photos.