Monday 27 May 2024

Hollesley May 2024

 May 3rd

Waders on the move, 2 Summer plumaged Bar tailed godwits were with the 78 Black tailed, the 2nd CY Glossy ibis is still here and a Spoonbill. 4 Little Ringed Plover, 3 Ringed plover and the Goosander Still.

May 10th, from the Garden Tawny Owl and Little Owl calling with the Aurora in the back ground.

May 11th
First Swift of the Year, Cuckoo, Glossy ibis, Common Sandpiper. 15 Tufted Ducks, 5 Pochard, 1 Goosander still and a few Yellow wagtails. A Regular Short Eared Owl and Barn Owl now too.

I went back out in the evening, highlights were a Black tern that flew out to see along the river. A Wood Sandpiper was heard only and 6 Spoonbill of all ages were happily feeding in front of the screen, the Glossy ibis again.

May 18th
Whimbrel and 2 Curlew sand were a nice addition to the year list, 6 Spoonbill again, Common Sandpiper and the Glossy Ibis again.

A drake Garganey was a nice find by Tom the evening before and was still here today.
Back at home it was a nice still evening, so i could clearly hear the Nightjars from Lower Hollesley Common. The Tawny was very loud in the neighbors garden.

May 20th
Nipped over to Boyton, the Turtle doves have arrived back, Short Eared owls and a Red Kite. 2 Common Sandpiper and a Cuckoo

May 25th
A Great crested Grebe was on the Sea and a year tick here. The Goosander, 3 Pochard and a Drake Pintail were still on site surprisingly.

Swift numbers were now in the 100s and the Glossy Ibis again. 2 Cuckoo and a Spoonbill still.
Muntjack and Chinese Water deer looked great in the evening light and Creeping Buttercups, and a Grey Heron showing nicely. Barn Owl hunting and the Egyptian geese have lost there young by looks of it.

May 26th 
Tonight, the drake Garganey dropped in late, 1st summer Glossy Ibis still, a distant Hobby and Short Eared Owl, Barn Owl again, Tawny Owl calling and the Goosander and Pintail still. A male Marsh harrier showed well. 2 Emperor moths seen in flight.

May 27th
Went out looking for a red backed shrike on patch, nothing from the Marsh but some lucky birder found a cracking male on the Upper Hollesley Common area. Managed to see it well along side 12 Common Crossbill, Dartford Warbler, Woodlarks, and Stonechats.

A nice finish to the bank Holiday weekend.

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