Sunday 8 September 2024

Patching Hollesley and Boyton July and August

July and August are always quiet periods for birding, so its usually just the breeding birds and a few returning waders that i can Blog about. 

The local Barn Owl showed daily and gave myself and too many toggers a show. Toggers are becoming a real problem. 

Waders are returning and i was lucky to have some water left in the pools at Hollesley although come mid August it was disappointing to see the pools dry up after 2 years with water all year. A mix of poor management from the RSPB and a dryer summer. I would blame the RSPB more though as the site is looking very poorly maintained with paths over grown, the screen almost unviewable from and all the fields uncut and no good for anything, including the geese come winter. Seems Boyton is more of a priority with lots of work going on there, Hollesley however is being forgotten about. 

Anyway rant over good numbers of Black tailed Godwit were on show, over 300 for me but others saw over 800. Some color ringed, i sent these off but as of yet no acknowledgment. I cant be arsed to chase.

On the River held 2 1st Summer Eiders, a rare sight other than on a seawatch. Common terns were knocking about as was a stunning looking Grey Plover.

Back on the pools, many Little Egrets, Greenshank, Green and Common Sandpipers with 2 Golden Plover. Pools now dried up.

One in off over the sea

Common Terns on the river and sea

Onto Boyton where this was the only place to have any water now. The pools at the start was looking great although most decent waders still don't want to stop here and the water levels dropped too late, more poor management, not sure what the RSPB are playing at. Anyway 11 Green Sand, 13 Snipe, 2 Greenshank and this stunning Juvenile Curlew Sandpiper with the 10 Ruff. 

On the river from here, Common and Sandwich Tern. 

Back on the pool at Boyton, a Spoonbill Water rail and more Snipe. Double Figure Yellow Wagtails

With Cattle 11 Cattle Egret visited just for the day.

Finally locally but more around Hollesley a Whimbrel with the local Curlew and Kestrel had a good year.

I did venture off patch to Sizewell, where the Black Redstart had bred and the Kittiwakes looked good.

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