The pools were frozen helping with being able to read a few Gull rings, Had 3 Herring gulls .
ABV a first winter bird from Orfordness

XVV a near Adult from Havergate No picture as a Marsh harrier put up all the gulls as i was taking its picture.
Finally this confusing gull TKTW a first winter from Havergate again, this one had me scratching my head, a pale gull structure was Herring gull but greater Coverts of a Lesser Black backed gull. I put it down eventually as a strange looking Herring gull, So it was no surprise when the ringers came back to me confused too, they had it down in the nest as a Lesser Black-Backed Gull but the more they look at it the more Herring Gull features appear as it gets older, seen a few times in pig fields at Butley. We came to the most likely conclusion as a LBBG X HG hybrid. nice to know Im getting to grips with gulls a little :-) hopefully it will stay in the area over the next few years to see what species it does grow into.
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