Monday, 31 March 2014

Garden Tick

Woke up to the sound of Red Legged Partridge this morning only to find it sat on a roof opposite the house.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

North Norfolk

Our kind friends let us have the caravan at Kelling again for the weekend and as we hadn't been away since Christmas it was nice to get away. Even better as it was our favourite place.
Got to site after dark Friday so it was just a case of getting tea and a couple of pints before bed.
Next Morning I was out early watching Dartford Warblers, Woodlarks and once the heath had warmed up, no less than 6 Adders. What a Place.

After this we had a walk around Wells and had a sandwich down at the café at Wells Woods, on the walk someone's dog flushed a Snow Bunting from the beach beside the path, it took off never to return. A few Brent Geese on the sand, 3 stunning Adult Med Gulls a wader flew over head that sounded like a Little Ringed Plover, and a Juv Shag in the Harbour.
We then had a good walk around Holkham Hall but overall it was pretty quiet. A Kestrel showed nicely.

I scoped the pools on Holkham fresh marsh and got excited when I thought I had an Iceland gull, on zooming up I realised it was a bloody Leucistic Common Gull my excuse is it was a long way off ;-)

Finished the day going to see friends.
Today I was out early again, watching the Woodlarks and Dartfords again. a Group of 4 and 9 Common Crossbill was the pick of the birds.

We Nipped into Cley where there where many more Avocets today. On Cley eye a couple of Wheatear was it really..
Back home Rach dropped me off on the patch but it was still quiet with a few Chiffchaff and this Spar..

Sunday, 23 March 2014


Not a bad day at all and with fairly little effort, mind you birding here is pretty easy. Started on the patch watching Gannets and Red Throated Diver going past when 2 largish ducks flew in and landed on the sea a long long long way way. The wing patterns reminded me of Red Crested Pochard. The light was really strong making view the ducks on the sea very tricky until they moved further north when I could just about make out that they were infact a Drake and Duck Red Crested Pochard, gotta be patch heaven. An Auk species Linnet, Rock Pipit and a couple of Chiffchaff was just about it.
Had an early lunch then moved onto Carlton Marsh where a pair of Cracking Garganey were present.

We carried on the circular walk, Male Marsh HarrierCettis Warbler Reed Bunting and a couple of Little Egrets. Then this nice White wagtail dropped in very briefly. That was it after that.

Another nice weekend.

Saturday, 22 March 2014


Spent the morning sorting finances got lots to do with sorting house for the rental market and sorting a deposit for a new home in Corton. So anyway I didn't get on the patch until after lunch, but a few Chiffchaff about and possibly a patch tick in the form of this Grey Plover.

After this the birds were very quiet really with just a Green Woodpecker. These Frogs were very evidence though in the New Sewage Works Ponds.


Friday, 21 March 2014

Dusky Warbler

So Andrew found a Dusky Warbler at Oulton Broad on Wednesday but It was a late one at work so couldn't go, its only down the road too. So I was going to go Thursday instead but negative news as it was too windy, so I decided to go tonight, and im really glad I did as I had excellent views, all very brief but still nice.
Pitty about the pictures.

Some Moon shots from the other night.

My first 2 Wheatear of the year on the patch and a tick in the form of a cracking female Merlin.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Local relaxed birding.

What superbly sunny day, best day of the year weather wise. So I nipped out early doors but it was unexcitedly quiet so nipped back and had breakfast. I went out again shortly after breakfast, id only been out 20 minuets before my first patch tick a Red Kite woohoo. So I decided to do some vis mig from Corton New Sewage Works. From here 3 Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and a Kestrel.  3 Chiffchaff were new in overnight. It went very quiet after this so I headed back home.
Short seawatch produced loads of Gannets, Red throated Divers and Grey Seals, a single Brent Goose flew South. After id dropped dogs off I headed round the village only to spot a Female Black Redstart on the top of Corton Inn Pub, 2nd patch tick woohoo. After this I spend the next few hours vis mig from the pub garden or my own balcony. Just a Common Buzzard to add to my garden list.
Still it was nice to just sit and relax on such a wonderful day.


Saturday, 15 March 2014

15th March

So firstly an update from the week, Monday the female Stonechat was still around the old sewage works. Then on the Thursday I found 5 Rock Pipits together on the beach at least 1 was a Littoralis with a striking super and blue grey head, the other 4 were Littoralis or Petrosus, I could tell they were the much duller looking Pipits. Also whilst walking along the shore I noticed 12 Gannets feeding close offshore right before the fog rolled in, amazing scene.

So back to today, a seawatch from Corton OSW produced a drake and duck Velvet Scoter today, also seen coming north from Langard. A Rock Pipit on the beach, a few Gannets and Red-throated Divers was about it, nothing in the woodland.
Back to the house and my first Singing Chiffchaff of the year.

Now had some breakfast then headed south to test the van, yes finally got it back and the bill for 1100 quid. No going out for us very far for a good while. Anyway got to Breydon Water where there was still a good 300 Avocets, a Peregrine, 12 Pintail 70 Black-tailed Godwit and a Knot. Plus the usual wildfowl and gulls.

Then headed north doing the touristy things, Horsey etc. but ended up at Stubbs Mill for the evening, very disappointing really with only 3 Common Crane, 6 Marsh Harrier 8 Egyptian Geese a Muntjack and a Peregrine. Oh yes and 2 Singing Chiffchaff and really nice views of 2 Kingfisher on the bridge by Stubbs Mill viewpoint.

A mixed bag today but a very nice day and the van made it back in one piece hoorah...

Couple of videos ive added to You tube again.


Common Crane